Friday, July 31, 2009

I went camping!

I went camping with my cousins. One of my favorite parts was when my cousins and I hiked up to mountains. We caught a frog, a stickbug, and six stinkbugs and we also saw butterflies, grasshoppers, and dragonflies. Next my cousin's dad found two more frogs in a shower. We let the other one go in there. I went to the beach four times. I had a great time.

Monday, July 20, 2009

I went to the beach

My family, my friends ,and I went to Ventura Beach. When we got there, I dug a big hole and made a wall with my friends. Then we wanted to go boogie boarding so we buried the hole and went boogie boarding. After that we went on the zip-line. We played in the sand for the rest of the time at the beach. I had a great time.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I loved vollyball camp

I went to volleyball camp. When we come in, we run around the two inside volleyball courts. Second we get a partner and throw a volleyball to back an forth. Next we do sit ups, push ups, and other things. After that we pick a coach and do passing , setting, and serving. Then we hit balls over the net. Last we get in groups of six and play against other groups.I had a great time at volleyball camp.